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Fees & Payments Policy

Sellers may be charged for using the Trendzz Service.This Fees and Payments Policy explains all the fees and taxes and how to pay them.

This policy is a part of the Trendzz Terms of Use. If you open a store with Trendzz, you agree to this policy and Terms of Use.

  • Types of Fees
  • Fee avoidance
  • Paying Your Trendzz Fees
  • Trendzz Payments
  • Taxes
  • Trendzz Gift Cards, Trendzz Credits, and Trendzz Coupons
  • Types of Fees

    Following are the types of fees expected from a seller. The fees are mentioned without the sales tax or any other tax. Read the taxes section to know more.


    Transaction Fees

    When you make a sale through Trendzz, you will be charged a transaction fee of 3.5% of the total amount which includes the listed product price, delivery charges and the gift wrapping charges. If your store is in the US and you sell from the US, the transactional fee will not be applicable to General Sales Tax, Unless you have already included these charges in the product listing price.

    To know that you are required to include the tax prices in your final product price or not, read the Taxes section below. The transaction fee is deducted from your current balance with every sale made and is then shown in your payment account.



    Payment Processing Fee

    Online Sales. Eligible stores on Trendzz may use Trendzz Payment Services to accept certain payments. This transaction is allowed by paying a payment processing fee to Trendzz. This processing fee may vary depending on the location of your bank account. Trendzz may also charge a fixed fee for disbursing seller funds from the seller account if they are under a specific minimum threshold. See Trendzz’s Payment Policy to find more about payment processing fees and deposit fees. The payment processing fee is calculated according to the total of the price of sale, tax, and delivery fee. Payment Processing Fees is deducted from the sale amount in your payment account, and the deposit fee is deducted from the Available Funds, which are then shown in the seller’s payment account at the time of scheduled deposit.


  • Fee Avoidance

    Any action taken by a seller that is intended to avoid paying a fee is considered fee avoidance and is not allowed in Trendzz. Examples of such actions are asking the buyer to purchase a product from your store through another place or a transaction started on Trendzz but not completed off of Trendzz. The price mentioned by the seller in the listing must be accurate as of the sale. Sellers are not allowed to change the price of a product after its sale to avoid paying Trendzz transaction fees. Misrepresenting an item’s location or using someone else’s account without their permission are also actions that are prohibited in Trendzz marketplace.

  • Paying Your Trendzz Fees

    If you owe Trendzz any fees, we will automatically deduct them from your payment account. If you have sufficient funds in your Payment Account, no further payment action is required. If your Payment Account does not have sufficient funds, then you have 15 days from the date of your monthly statement to pay the fees completely. If you are unable to do so, Trendzz may charge your card on file for the deduction of the fees or take any other action necessary to collect funds as mentioned in the Recoupment section of the Trendzz’s Payments Policy. If you make a sale while your payments are due, the sale amount will be applied to your outstanding balance. You can pay your outstanding dues through PayPal, credit, or debit card. Trendzz also offers AutoBilling for US sellers, which is an automatic outstanding dues payment option.

    Your statement will be visible in your account at the start of every month. It will have details of your sales and fees from the preceding month.

    Trendzz may suspend your selling privileges at any time pending payment of your outstanding balance.


    If you enroll your store in the automatic payment plan of Trendzz, all your outstanding dues that are not covered by the funds in your Payment Account will be charged to the card on your file on the first of every month or in the case when your account has more or equal funds than your fee threshold.

    To use this plan, you agree to the following terms:

    • You authorize Trendzz to use your payment card information to charge it for the outstanding payments on the first day of every month. The payments deducted are of the previous month’s activities. The payment may also be deducted when your payment account has equal to or greater funds than the designated fee threshold. Upon enrollment, Trendzz will charge your current balance to the card on file
    • When your account is debited, Trendzz will notify you of the charged amount. You can also verify or check the amount from your Trendzz account.
    • If the card on file is closed, or you changed your account number, or the charge is rejected by the card issuer, you will have to update your card information or get a new card number for your Trendzz account. If your charge is refused by the card issuer, your account may be suspended or terminated, but you still have to clear your outstanding dues. Your authorization is applicable to a replacement card or that either you or your card issuer provides for clearing the charges.
    • If you want to change your AutoBilling to manual payments, you can do it by going to your Trendzz account’s payment settings. After you request the change, Trendzz requires some time to implement the change requested by you. This means there may be an automatic payment made from your account while we are processing your request to turn to manual payments.
    • Suspended or terminated members are obligated to clear outstanding dues.
  • Trendzz Payments

    Trendzz sellers can accept payments through credit card, debit card, Trendzz Gift Card, Trendzz Credit, PayPal, some bank transfer services, Apple Pay and Google Pay.

    Sellers using Trendzz Payments are subject to Trendzz Payments Policy

  • Taxes

    Apart from the conditions described below, you are responsible for paying taxes for your usage of Trendzz’s services and making sales through them. In order to follow the regulations set by IRS and the state, Trendzz will issue a 1099-K form to specific sellers. You can also opt to receive this form electronically.

    • Listing your items on Trendzz

      If you sell physical products on Trendzz and are based in the US, Sales tax will be charged.When Trendzz is responsible for collecting tax on your behalf, Ttendzz will utilize the category that you assigned to your listings to calculate and collect taxes. You are responsible for categorizing your products accurately, and you agree to indemnify Trendzz for any losses caused by your miscategorization of listings.

      You have to pay the full fee to Trendzz and may not deduct any withholding tax from that amount.

    • Taxes We Collect and Remit from Buyers on Behalf of the Seller

      In some states, Trendzz will collect the tax on behalf of the seller and pay it to the relevant tax authorities. If the sale was made through Trendzz Payments, the sale tax amount will be shown in your payment account and will be deducted from your current balance.

      For certain states, the category you assigned to each listing will be used to calculate, collect and remit the sales tax. In states where Trendzz is responsible for collecting on sales made by non-resident sellers, Trendzz will also be collecting on sales made by resident sellers. For example, Trendzz will collect all taxable purchases made in Minnesota, made by Minnesota buyers from Minnesota sellers.

  • Trendzz Gift Cards, Trendzz Credits & Trendzz Coupons

    After being registered with Trendzz Payments, you may accept payments through Trendzz Gift Cards, Trendzz Credits, and Trendzz Coupons. These are subject to Trendzz Gift Cards, Credits & Coupons Policy. Payment Processing Fee may also be charged by Trendzz Gift Card, TrendzzCredit, and Trendzz Coupon.
