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Handmade Policy

 If an item or a store does not comply with Trendzz’s policies, you can report it on You can report items through the website or mobile app of Trendzz.

How to report an item

To report an item:

  • On the listing page of the item, click Report this item to Trendzz.
  • You will see a dropdown box with multiple reasons mentioned. Select your appropriate reasoning for reporting the item and add a note. If your specific reporting reason is not mentioned in the dropdown box, write the details in the text box.

How to report a store

To report a store:

  • On the homepage of the store, click on Report this store to Trendzz. 
  • You will see a dropdown box with multiple reasons mentioned. Select your appropriate reasoning to report the store and add a note. If your specific reporting reason is not mentioned in the dropdown box, write the details in the text box.

Intellectual Property Issues

Reporting products or stores that do not follow policies helps Trendzz ensure transparency and authenticity in the marketplace. However, reporting should not be done for issues regarding intellectual property.

For intellectual property matters, please see Trendzz’s Intellectual Property Policy.

Problems with an order

If you are facing a problem with the order of your product, you should directly contact the seller.

If you have contacted the seller, but still the product was not delivered as described or it arrived later than the expected time, you can open a case. We suggest that before opening a case, you sort the matter out with the seller

After you report an item

After you report an item, a notice of reviewing the item will be sent to Trendzz, where we have multiple teams to monitor the products that are flagged in the marketplace. We will either contact the seller or take the appropriate action to find a solution to the problem.

In cases where investigation done by Trendzz will show that the seller or the product is following the policies of Trendzz, no action will be taken against the product or the seller.

In other instances, Trendzz will work on bringing a solution to the problems raised by flagging.

Flagging a single violation more than once is not appreciated, so please avoid doing it.

Reporting and Privacy

Reporting products or stores is a confidential task. Never will the reported member know about the identification of the reporter.

Trendzz handles all investigations with confidentiality. Neither any personal response against your report nor any updates on the reviewing process will be sent to you.

