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Prohibited Item Policy

Trendzz is not a curated marketplace. However, some items are prohibited to sell on Trendzz. The reasons for their exclusion include posing a legal threat, being incoherent with our values, dangerous for our members, or simply not complying with the essence of Trendzz. This policy highlights things that are not allowed on Trendzz.

We exhibit a zero-tolerance policy for the prohibited items that promote or support hatred within the community, violence of any kind, or are simply unlawful. Sellers who fail to comply with these prohibitions can be subjected to responses like termination of account according to the Terms of Use.

By opening an Trendzz shop, you agree to both this policy and Terms of Use.
The following types of products are prohibited on Trendzz:

  • Alcohol, Tobacco, Medical or Non-medical Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia
  • Animal Products and Human Remains
  • Dangerous Items: Weapons, Hazardous or Recalled Items
  • Hate Items: Items Promoting Hatred
  • Illegal Items: Items Promoting Illegal Activity, Highly Regulated Items
  • Internationally Regulated Items
  • Pornographic Content or Mature Content
  • Violent Products: Items Promoting Violent Activities

Policy making is a difficult yet essential task. Before coming to any decision, we thoroughly understand all the aspects that help make better decisions for the community. The creativeness of our community makes us a supporter of freedom of expression

Products of educational, historical, or artistic importance are allowed on our store, but we are aware that these products can be interpreted both in true or wrong essence.

Art and history can be provoking and full of emotions. To reach a consensus on everything is impossible. We know that there are topics that cannot be discussed with the whole community agreeing over it.

Art is all about going beyond your comfort level. Entertainment and human interaction can bring comfort in a plethora of ways, but art should be invoking, awakening, bursting through emotions, and leading to directions which we never thought to proceed.

To ensure that our policy-making process is clear and insightful, we back our decisions with rationale. The details of implementing these decisions and the examples of products that are clear to be on Trendzz are mentioned.

We reserve the right to remove any listing that we find not in accordance with the values of Trendzz. If any violation occurs, we also have the right to terminate or suspend any selling privileges of the guilty party, i.e., the respective seller.

·Alcohol, Tobacco, Medical, Non-Medical Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia

The selling of alcohol and drugs is banned on Trendzz. These products face legal restrictions at many levels and are also considered to be controlled substances under the law, which makes it unfavorable to sell on our marketplace. This restriction policy also involves substances that are listed as possible intoxicants and can have any kind of healing effects on the user. Even with no legal restrictions, these products go against the spirit of Trendzz and are not allowed to sell on Trendzz.

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Below are the examples of products not to sell on Trendzz:

    • Alcohol.
    • Tobacco products, smokeable products, e-cigarettes, and e-liquid.
    • Drugs and herbal substances which are used for medicinal or recreational purposes, regardless of their legal status.
    • Drug paraphernalia, items like vaporizers, bongs, bubblers, carburetor products, or items with slides.
    • Medical drugs and devices, pharmaceuticals.

·Animal Products and Human Remains

Certain animal products are highly regulated and banned from selling on Trendzz because they are either found to be harmful to humans and/or animals. If a product's source is an endangered animal, it is also prohibited on Trendzz.

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The following are examples of animal products that are prohibited to sell on Trendzz:

  • Living animals.
  • Items made by using endangered animals or their body parts, for example, their skin or bones. We follow the list of endangered or threatened animal species by the US Endangered Species Act or listed in the Appendix I of the Conversion on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna And Flora (CITES)
  • Items made with cat or dog parts or pelts as defined by US Federal Law.
  • Ivory products from animals producting ivory, tusks, elk ivory, fossilized ivory and woolly mammoth ivory.
  • Items made by using human body parts or remains, excluding teeth, hair and fingernails.

We expect our community members to respect their local laws. For those who plan on delivering products across borders they should consult CITES for all the information regarding the import and export of threatened species.

·Dangerous Items: Weapons, Hazardous & Recalled Items

For legal aspects and dangers that certain products can cause we prohibit their sale on our store.

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Hazardous Materials

Hazardous items can cause serious harm and also have major legal and delivery rules to comply with. Because of all these complexities, we prohibit selling hazardous materials on Trendzz.

The following hazardous products are examples of such prohibited ones:

    • Explosives including fireworks or sparklers
    • Explosive precursors
    • Flammable products
    • Gases
    • Radioactive materials
    • Toxic, poisonous substances

Recalled Items,Items that Present Unreasonable Risk of Harm

Products that are either recalled by the government or the manufacturers and are marked as unsafe are prohibited to sell on Trendzz. For example, Lawn darts, drop-side cribs.

Items that pose an unreasonable threat are also subject to ban on Trendzz marketplace no matter if they are recalled or not. Items that can cause choking are an example of such products. Various government agencies are helpful in finding such products.


Any product that is intended to cause harm to someone is considered a weapon in general terms, and all such harm inflicting items are prohibited on Trendzz. Few examples are mentioned below:

  • Guns, knives, or other sharp weapons. Ammunition of any kind, live or blank all are prohibited.
  • Products that look like weapons but are not a real one or is banned by US law.

·Hate Items: Items Promoting Hatred

Trendzz is a place that welcomes people from different political admirations, religious beliefs, national identities, and even varying artistic tastes. Art is an entirely subjective matter. One thing that feels unpleasant to someone may not feel the same way to another person.

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Trendzz does not allow products that promote or support hatred towards others in any way. Any product that exhibits hatred on the basis of color, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and disability is subject to a ban on Trendzz. Any product that promotes an organization or people with such hatred reflecting views is also prohibited from Trendzz marketplace.

The following items are prohibited on Trendzz:

  • Any product that supports views of a current or past hatred group like Neo-Nazi, Nazi groups, white supremacists, groups that are homophobic towards gays, groups that show hatred towards immigrants, or Holocaust denial groups is prohibited to sell on Trendzz marketplace.
  • Items that exhibit racial slurs, discriminatory remarks, or degrading terms for any protected groups

·Illegal Items: Items Promoting Illegal Activity, and Highly Regulated Items

We respect the law and hope that all Trendzz sellers are law-abiding members of society as well.

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Anything that promotes illegal activity is prohibited from Trendzz marketplace. Complex regulations for a product also make it a banned category on the marketplace. Trendzz is a global marketplace that makes the seller responsible for following the laws of the place they are selling products in. Laws vary from place to place, one thing that is legal to sell somewhere may be illegal to sell in another. This makes knowing the details of all unlawful products very important and ensuring that such products are not part of listings and must not promote any unlawful activity.

Fake or unauthorized products are not allowed to be sold on Trendzz. We consider fake products as a copy of original products which is made by stealing the original company's logo, brand name, patented design, or anything that they own, without having owner's permission to use.

Up-cycled or re-purposed products that may have been made with authentic material but use another company's brand name, logo, or patented design in their product without taking permission are also considered counterfeit or unauthorized products as well. Examples of such prohibited items include a replica of branded bags, watches, or makeup items.

Moreover, complex legal restrictions are different for every place, and because of this, Trendzz doesn't allow the selling of real estate properties and vehicles like boats, bikes, or automobiles.

·Internationally Regulated Items

Trendzz provides a link between sellers and buyers from across the globe. However, if you buy or sell a product across the borders, or if you need a transaction done internationally, then you must abide by the laws of both the destination country and the local laws as well.

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When you buy a product online from a marketplace that is not in your country, you must first follow the laws of your country and know that not every country in the world has similar rules for a similar product. Each country has its own restrictions to abide by. You might be prohibited to sell or purchase a product in your country as per the International rules. In such case, Trendzz will not be responsible. Many authorities ask for licenses, permits, or any other form of legal documentation to buy, sell or make a transaction in their country.

If you have any misunderstandings and want to inquire about the laws, please take guidance from a professional.

While using the services of Trendzz, you will have to follow all the trade restrictions and economic sanctions imposed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury.

Trendzz reserves the right to ask the sellers about the product's country of origin or any other detail necessary to ensure compliance of every product with all the obligations.

You should be aware that third-party payment initiators like PayPal monitor the payment process from their end to ensure that they do not violate any set sanctions. If these third-party companies feel that a transaction violates their policies, they can terminate the transaction. In such a case, Trendzz has no control over these third-party processors, and the matter will be between the buyer, seller, and the intermediatory company. These companies are independent in decision-making and cannot be instructed to do otherwise.

·Pornography and Mature Content

Being a creative community, Trendzz is liberal in allowing content to be on its marketplace, but the limit is set to any pornographic and mature content.

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Pornography and mature content of any kind is prohibited on Trendzz marketplace.

Pornography is a vast term but to simplify, any item is considered to be pornographic if it stimulates sexual pleasure or stimulation in someone. Products containing visual material that displays acts of sex, sex organs, or any erotic behavior also come under the category of pornographic materials.
Among mature content, we include visual display of genitals of both genders, profane language, violent or explicit images of taxidermy. All items inspired by these are prohibited at Trendzz.

·Violent Items: Items Promoting Violent Activities

Trendzz aspires to be a safe place for every individual. Although violent content can be part of historical or artistic expression, it can never be used to promote violence towards someone else.

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We prohibit products that promote violence towards others. Products that glorify self-harm and any threat to harm are also not allowed at Trendzz.
The following items are prohibited:

    • Items that mock tragedies or honor the killers.
    • Items that take advantage of natural disasters and calamities.
    • Items that support or promote acts of violence against a particular group.
    • Products glorifying self-harm in any way.
    • Items that contribute to spreading dangerous misinformation.
